5 tips on creating your best wedding speech

1. Be prepared! 
The last thing anybody wants is for you to get on stage and forget what you’re saying, there’s no shame in having cue cards and prompts, it will keep you confident and the rest will come naturally.

2. Get Personal 
Speeches are a perfect time to tug on those heartstrings, use small anecdotes to let people know you really care and listen. If you write about a time that has meaning to you, you are sure to talk with passion.

3. Look up!
This sounds like a given but you would be surprised. Eye contact is key for any public speech, this allows you and your guests to have a connection and will, in turn, make you both remember that moment.

4. Less is more!
The best speeches are short and sweet, leave guests wanting more. Remember peoples attention spans are limited at the best of times, let alone after a few bubbles! There will be plenty of time to share more memories as the night progresses. 

5. Enjoy it!
This part is obvious, everyone has come to see you happy so give them what the people want. This could be considered the best part of a wedding, when else do you get to share all of your love, memories, and jokes with your family and friends in one space?
If you have booked your wedding venue and are looking for a Lincolnshire Wedding Photographer or anywhere else for that matter then get in touch, I would love to hear all about you and your plans.
Thank you!